Sunday, June 16, 2013

Note to Teenagers of Scared and Angry Parents

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If you are a teenager, you probably know that you are often referred to as selfish, greedy, lazy and angry by somebody you love and trust, let alone, the general population.  I'm here to tell you, the parents you were meant to have don't exist and there's a cosmic reason for this madness of mistrust and confusion:  Your parents need you to be their greatest teacher.  You are their basic training.  Their boot camp.. in their quest for karma and freedom from original sin.  In other words, when you showed up, they were as dumb as a box of rocks, and who better to help them get it right?  Of course!  Their selfish, greedy, lazy and angry teenager.

So, the solution to your grief as a teen is to realize that mom and dad are afraid of what they've created and need to exercise some kind of control.  Over time, hoping to shape your every thought and deed into alignment with what they feel is right for you.  They know it's uncalled for and unbecoming of them; but that's beside the point!  And though it may not feel like it right now, you will be on your own soon and will most likely appreciate the strong hold they tried to have on you.

Rather than focus on how messed up your parents are, embrace the fact that you are loved in this unique, albeit weird way, and keep doing you -the way they taught you to.  'Cause heaven knows.. if you tried to change now, things could get worst.  You know how it is when they don't understand what's going on with you?  Eternal damnation! They like to win, and winning is more fun when someone loses.  Parents are blind, bigoted and biased like everyone else, even when they claim to have faith, and you and your friends are vampires.

It might be helpful to keep honoring who they are rather than bemoaning their shortcomings.  I'll stand in the gap for you on that front.

You will go far in life.. If not because of your parents.. in spite of them.

 Anyone can teach you about love. I can make you good at it.

| Prose copyright © Jackie D. Rockwell, 2013-2021 |

Originally published 6/16/13 1:31 AM